5 good reasons to celebrate your teen’s exam results BEFORE results day

Many families around the country (mine included) will be breathing a sigh of relief this week as the exams come to an end.

I have already given my daughter her congratulations card and gift and we’ve had our celebration dinner to celebrate her results.

This might seem a bit mad to some. After all, she hasn’t got her results yet.

For me though, the numbers are not the most important thing. Yes, really.

Whilst (of course) I want her to get the grades that she deserves, I also know that whether or not the numbers on the day match up to the numbers she wants, she has already achieved all that she set out to achieve and I could not be more proud.

She has been educated, stretched and challenged by her teachers.

She has already shown potential in the subjects she loves most and wants to continue with.

She has overcome numerous personal barriers.

She has learnt how to learn.

She has shown resilience when the going got tough.

She has learnt where her natural talents lie.

She has developed an enthusiasm for learning that she will take forward into the future.

And she will always have all this no matter what those numbers show on results day.

She is way more than just a number and I want her to know this.

Here are just a few of the reasons to celebrate the end of your teen’s exam journey before results day.

(1) It will encourage your teen to adopt a growth mindset

This mindset encourages students to view exams as learning opportunities, rather than the sole measure of their intelligence or worth.


(2) It will boost their confidence and motivation

Acknowledging the effort your teen has put into their studies before exam results day can significantly boost their confidence. Celebrating accomplishments, before knowing the outcome, validates their hard work and dedication, instilling a sense of self-belief and motivation. Positive reinforcement will help your teen to build resilience and continue striving for success, even if they encounter challenges along the way.


(3) It will reduce their stress and anxiety about results day

Exam-related anxiety amongst teens is on the rise, often affecting their mental wellbeing and overall performance. By celebrating exam results before the official day, we create an environment that promotes emotional wellbeing and alleviates unnecessary pressure. Your teen will be reminded that they are more than their exam results and that their efforts are worthy of recognition, regardless of the outcome. This approach can help reduce stress levels, promoting a healthier mindset and a better overall experience during the examination period.

(4) It will bring you closer as a family

Celebrating exam results before the official day will send the message to your teen that your love and respect for them is not contingent on their exam results. They will feel valued and supported and know that they are loved unconditionally.

(5) It will encourage them to recognise the “real life” skills they have developed through the exam period

Education is more than just exams and grades. By celebrating exam results before the official day, we broaden the perspective on success and acknowledge our teens’ non-academic achievements. Whether it’s overcoming personal challenges, demonstrating leadership skills, or engaging in extracurricular activities, these accomplishments deserve recognition and celebration. By highlighting the multifaceted nature of success, you will inspire your teen to embrace a well-rounded approach to their education and personal growth.

So, let’s celebrate and appreciate the hard work of our teens before exam results day, knowing that their achievements extend far beyond a mere letter or number on a piece of paper.

Wishing you all a long and relaxing summer.